Residential Services
Bridging Lives' residential program provides upscale alternative housing for individuals with a disability. Our housing program is two steps above traditional personal care facilities and was designed to enhance the quality of life to support a decent standard of living. The company will increase the housing options among the targeted population, by offering an upscale affordable living choice. The staff at Bridging Lives will help individuals retain their dignity, independence, privacy, personal values, self sufficiency and personal choice.
Bridging Lives' residential program, while not new, is a unique concept of assistance to improve the quality of life for individuals with needs to maintain their independence. We use a holistic approach to a multifaceted program (we recognize the importance of the whole person), we address the physical, emotion, and social well-being of each tenant. Our goal is to enhance and encourage the success of an independent lifestyle for each tenant. Bridging Lives' services will preserve personal value and dictate self-reliance.
Our program provides two essential needs along with a social service component: 1) the basic physical needs that allow all tenants to care for their medical well-being while maintaining decent and affordable housing 2) an emotional personal need (positive social relationships, supportive environment, safe physical environment, and the opportunity to maintain consistent relationships); the weaving of friendships to promote healthy emotions. Our staff is dedicated to help each tenant be as self-reliant as possible.
Goal Setting
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Relationship Coaching
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Stress Management
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Career Advice
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